2023 Sophomore Retreat
This day is designed to get away from school with classmates and focus on our relationships with God, others, and the community. The retreat is Thursday, January 12th from 7:45-2:45 at St. Matthew’s Catholic Church in Winter Haven.
Here are some other things you need to know!
- No transportation will be provided. Please make arrangements to drop off and pick up your child. You may want to consider creating a carpool.
- The address of St Matthew Catholic Church is 1991 Overlook Drive, Winter Haven. It is a good idea to type it in to a maps app at 7 a.m. one day this week to see how long it will take you to get there in the morning with school traffic!
- Students should arrive at 7:45 a.m. to sign in and get their nametags; the retreat begins promptly at 8:00.
- Students can be picked up between 2:45-3:00 p.m.
- Dress code is jeans (no rips above the knee) or SFC bottoms and any SFC t-shirt or uniform shirt. We will be attending Mass with the parish community, so this dress code must be adhered to.
- Permission forms went home with students January 5th for those who hadn’t turned them in prior, and should have been returned by, Friday, January 6th to their religion teacher.
- Unless you contact me, we will just use the previously turned in permission forms for this retreat and change the date on them so you don’t have to fill them out again.
- Subway lunch will be provided.
- There is no cost for the retreat. SFC will provide all materials, snacks, lunch and water.
- At the retreat, we will have guest presenters and many activities that will focus on the theme of justice and mercy.
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Mrs. McGowan