Santa Fe Catholic High School

Santa Fe Catholic High School, Lakeland, FL    Celebrating Over 50 Years of Educational Excellence





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Please SAVE THE DATES and join us in celebrating the fact that FIFTY YEARS AGO, we all set out on our grand adventures!
Dates: Oct 4-5, 2024 (Santa Fe’s Homecoming game is on the Fourth)
Reunion Program Planning is in full swing, and a schedule of Key events will be provided as soon as possible!

Crimson Hawks Class of 1974, it has been FIFTY YEARS since our graduation from Santa Fe Catholic High School. Half a century, yet it feels like yesterday and now is the time to celebrate, together!!

If you have not attended a Santa Fe Reunion or reconnected with classmates, it’s an extraordinary chance to revisit that formative time in our lives. It’s an opportunity to see that although people we knew then have changed in important and interesting ways, the laughter and camaraderie remain the same! 

A 50th high school reunion is a unique event, sparking a blend of nostalgia, reflection, and surprise.  It is both a time to remember our shared past, and an opportunity for a new beginning of renewed connections and future celebrations. 

We have made great progress toward organizing a celebration event for the Class of ‘74, and hope you’ll join us!     

Making Contact

We have worked diligently to collect current contact information for our fellow graduates. We have been in touch by email with most of the class. But you may have another contact method you would prefer to use. Please let us know your preference!  

Do you have friends in the Class of ‘74 who may not have heard about our reunion? We are doing everything we can to keep our classmate’s information private from the wider public who have no business having it. So, please pass our contact information to the classmate and ask him or her to contact us, unless you know you have permission to divulge their information. Feel free to forward this email to them! We are still not in contact with a few classmates – they are listed here

Currently, most of our communications are via email, telephone and Facebook.  One of the best ways you can help make this reunion a success is to plan to join us there, and to reach out to those classmates you want to see there too!  

Reunion Committee 

I’m sure a lot of us have been thinking about this special milestone in 2024. A special reunion like this won’t happen unless WE make it happen.  And that takes people.  Time.  Money. 

A growing list of fellow classmates are working on the many details it will take to make this a success. We have a newly formed Reunion Committee that has made considerable progress in organizing our 50th Reunion events. Over a dozen of your classmates have volunteered to participate on this committee, contributing their time and talent to the success of our 50th Class Reunion. If you are interested in helping, please contact one of us. Either way- we hope to see you in October! 

Reunion Events 

As part of our milestone 50th Reunion, we are planning a tailgater picnic for the Class of ’74, during the Homecoming game. Homecoming will be Friday, October 4th. This will be a great time to reminisce, get to know each other again, and watch the Crimson Hawks take the field.   

In addition, we have finalized the date of Saturday, October 5th for an evening event specifically being organized for the Class of ‘74, to be held in the Lakeland area. Specific details about the event will be shared very soon. Sounds kind of “cool” doesn’t it!  The Class of ‘73 did something similar and had a blast! It would be great to see everyone, and we hope many of you are able to attend. 

We are also planning a commemorative tour at Bonnet Springs Park on Saturday, 10/5, in remembrance of those classmates who are no longer with us, and who we will miss at this event. 

Details will follow soon! 

$50 for 50 years  

We want to make it clear that this reunion is about us – our connections way back then, since, and going forward.  To offer tickets at $50 per ticket per person for the entire Reunion, we are asking on behalf of the Class of ‘74 for donations to help offset the event costs. This will also allow us to provide a few complementary tickets, as needed. If any money remains at the conclusion of our 50th year Reunion, we plan to donate it to Santa Fe in the name of the Class of ‘74. 

Whether or not you give a penny to the event is irrelevant to your welcome return to the company of the Santa Fe Class of ’74, in October.  

Classmates can send a check payable to classmate Kathleen McConnell Coffman (our volunteer 50th Reunion Treasurer), at 1055 Sugartree Lane, South, Lakeland, FL 33813 or make a Zelle payment to the email, which will direct deposit into the account set up for our 50th Santa Fe Reunion. 

On the mailed check or with the Zelle payment, please be sure to identify who will be attending. If you choose to make an additional contribution in addition to the $50 per person ticket price, Kathleen will classify your contribution accordingly. For money questions about the reunion, Kathleen’s cell phone number is 863-409-1887. 


It would be great to hear from our fellow classmates.  Would love to hear if you are interested and have the time to attend our Reunion.  There will be an opportunity to “officially register” at a later time. 

Facebook Group 

Are you on Facebook? There’s a GREAT Group in existence already, “Santa Fe HS – Alums from the Seventies & Beyond”.  But we also have in place a group on Facebook for the Class of 74 primarily for our class to help discuss and plan the reunion. See the Quick Links section at the end of this email for a link to it, as well as the links to our Yearbooks and the Santa Fe Alumni page. 

If you would like to help with the Reunion, or learn more, please reach out to us! We hope to see you all soon! 

Next time, the Reunion committee will also be asking about: 

  • Attendance:  When you know, please give us an estimate of how many in your party will be attending. This will help the Reunion Committee finalize our budget. 
  • Santa Fe Memories: If you have them, please consider sending photos or other Santa Fe ‘74 memories to us to share during and after the reunion! 
  • Special Needs: Please let us know if you have any special needs (e.g., wheelchair accommodation) and we will see what we can do to help. 
  • Memorial Information:  We have several classmates who have already gone ahead to that next, celestial reunion. We will have a respectful memorial for them and are looking for that information as well.  


We hope to see you all soon! 

           Jose Estorino                                  Rich Hrezo                             Gil Hutchinson 

    1974 Class President                50th Reunion Co-Chair            50th Reunion Co-Chair 

          949-878-7636                                  530-249-3063                                615-300-0647                    

                                        Santa Fe Catholic High School Class Of 1974 


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