Important Upcoming Golf Tournament Information
Dear Parents and Friends of Santa Fe Catholic High School,
Mark your calendar and join us on Sunday, November 6, for Santa Fe Catholic’s 13th Annual Hawks’ Scramble Golf Tournament. We will again be hosting the tournament at Schalamar Creek Golf & Country Club, our SFC golf team’s home course, 4500 US Hwy 92 East, Lakeland, FL.
11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m…Registration
11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m……….Lunch
12:30 p.m…………..Shotgun Start
We hope you will be able to participate in this great day to benefit the students of Santa Fe Catholic High School. Santa Fe Catholic’s primary focus has always been to make Catholic education affordable to all who seek it. Proceeds raised through our golf tournament are used to support the most immediate needs of the school, award scholarships, and sustains programs and activities not covered by tuition.
Not a golfer…consider a sponsorship. Sponsorships are very important to making the day a huge success. A sponsorship is a great opportunity for your company to support a worthy cause and at the same time receive valuable exposure. Levels range from a Cart sponsor at $100 to a Platinum sponsor at $2,000. Click here to download our brochure and registration form. Complete both sides and mail to Santa Fe Catholic High School OR you can register online today via our event website:
- Sponsorships that include players (Platinum, Gold and Silver),foursomes and individual players, go to “Purchase Tickets” to register.
- To sponsor a Hole or Cart and shop our auction items, go to “Shop Items.” Need not be present to bid on auction items.
Don’t miss the Early Bird Special. Register before October 17 and save $25 per golfer!
Hope to see you on November 6, and thank you in advance for helping us to continue Santa Fe Catholic’s mission of “Developing each student fully as a child of God.”