Santa Fe Catholic High School

Santa Fe Catholic High School, Lakeland, FL    Celebrating Over 50 Years of Educational Excellence


Support Us

Annual Vision Appeal

Santa Fe Catholic’s primary focus has always been to make Catholic education affordable to all who seek it.  It is through our Annual Vision Appeal that we are able to support the most immediate needs of the school. The term “Annual” refers to the fact that these gifts are needed each year.  Annual Vision gifts are received from alumni, parents and grandparents, staff, faculty, businesses, foundations, and friends who believe in the mission and work of Santa Fe Catholic.  These gifts provide vitally needed resources for academic programs, scholarship support, equipment, computers for labs, and resources for the Library.  Each gift has an immediate impact, and every aspect of high school life at Santa Fe benefits from gifts to the Annual Vision Appeal.

Gifts to the Annual Vision Appeal can be:

  • Unrestricted donations – used based on priorities set by school administration and the school board.
  • Designated for a specific purpose – such as scholarships, curriculum, and/or preservation of buildings and grounds.

For any questions relating to Annual Vision Appeal, contact Matt Franzino at 863.665.4188, Ext. 287 or e-mail

To give a secured online donation click here OR click here to download our pledge form.

Matching Gift

Many companies match gifts from employees (and their spouses), board members, and retirees. These matches can double or triple the impact of a donor’s gift. For the school to receive the matching gift, the donor must fill out a form from the employer (usually found in Human Resources) and send it to Santa Fe with their gift or pledge form.