Santa Fe Catholic High School

Santa Fe Catholic High School, Lakeland, FL    Celebrating Over 50 Years of Educational Excellence



Campus Ministry Announcements

Friday, April 14, 2023 · News, Uncategorized

Campus Ministry

Bottle Collection

Do you drink cold brew or almond or oat milk out of containers like this? If so, please save and send in these to the office by the end of April. Campus Ministry needs about 20 for a service project in May.





Junior Blessing Ceremony is at Mass on April 18th at 10:00 a.m. in the gym. All Juniors are blessed at this Mass and presented with a Benedictine Cross to symbolize their movement into their final year of high school. Family is welcome and encouraged to attend this Mass with us!

Our next Blood Drive is on Thursday, April 20th. Anyone 16+, in good health, with no recent piercings or tattoos is eligible to give blood. Student under 18 need a signed permission form. Signups will begin on Tuesday, April 18th at lunchtime.